Shanghai Five

Shanghai Five

Monday, June 1, 2015


Like any good curmudgeon I’d planted the seed early.  I don’t do it.  I won’t do it.  I can’t do it.  They started slow, but persistent in chipping away at my armor.  Then it was immediate, an all of a sudden time-sensitive pressure.

Oh no. I’m doing it.

I had my first KTV experience last week.  KTV is karaoke in Shanghai, and you can guess where this is going.  It’s hard to compare the hotel-room style setting that’s popular here to karaoke bars back home slammed with people screaming “don’t stop believing”.  The place we went to, “Pure K”, looked like what you’d expect a high end club in Vegas to be.  Our little room had flashing lights, gold beams, a disco ball, plumes of cigarette smoke, TV’s, a booth that wrapped around the room, and a stage.  

My coworkers were there for one thing only, Chinese heart-break ballads from the 90’s.  They knew every word.  Even duets were coordinated with ease.  They finally tricked me in to singing/rapping “Empire State of Mind”.  As the song started the mic was dropped in my lap.  They claimed no one could read the English lyrics that fast.  Lies.  This was a pre-planned assault, and it was actually a lot of fun.  Everyone was really nice about it.  In their mind it’s more fun, and less embarrassing to sing in front of your friends than a bunch of strangers.  I’d tend to agree, but would still much rather watch.

….a singer in a smoky room, a smell of wine and cheap perfume…..

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