Shanghai Five

Shanghai Five

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I'm reminded of it everywhere.  There are pictures all around Shanghai of the giant, both figuratively and literally, Yao Ming.  The world's second tallest skyscraper is about to open here.  Whole blocks of 40 story apartment buildings seem to be under construction.  It's also something you put on your marriage resume (more to come on that).  To be honest, I'm not that fond of heights.  I like the view, but I'm questionable with balconies, the last step on the ladder, and that Sears tower glass cube house of horrors.  Obviously the first thing I did Saturday was go to the 91st floor of the Hyatt to soak in the view.  Absolutely worth it.

After bumming around Pudong I headed over to People's Square.  It's the city center here.  There are parks and mile long outdoor shopping areas.  It's in one of these parks where I stumbled on one of the most culturally unique experiences to date.  The marriage market.  Hundreds of mom's and dad's pimp out their kids in hopes of tying the knot before they get too old.  These walls of advertisements each detail height, age, education, whether they own a car/house, and their phone number.  It's like nothing I've ever seen.

Some things are best at ground level.  Street food!  There's a large pedestrian street near People's Square littered with little store fronts and sidewalk chefs.  Just follow the lines to the good stuff.  Dumplings, butterfly cookies, and meat on sticks.

Unfortunately it can't always be this high.  There have been some lows too.  The nope list:
Who doesn't want a bamboo ladder...
The only dish I've ever sent away - "fried strong smelling bean preserves".  Strong smelling is an understatement.
On the right is duck tongue, and on the left is something out of Jurassic Park.

For this I'm sorry.


  1. Grey. Not only is that the color of the smog you seem to have experienced from the 91st floor, but also the color of the Chicago sky since you have left. Yes, you guessed it... January in Chicago, cloudy and cold. You really are missing out.

    The marriage market looked like a great time. We could spend all day there. I wonder what reactions a 6', blonde, blue eyed, Chicago girl would get? I own my own home and my own car, I'm a catch! How would a blonde, blue eyed, west coast, married girl fit into the mix?

    The clown looks like fun! We are hoping to hire one for your return.

    From your favorite blog followers. As always, thanks for the lunch entertainment,
    Becky and Mandy

  2. Haha to my favorite followers - I wish I could say the grey here is just fog or snow. Unfortunately the pollution has been pretty bad. It's a daily routine to check the pollution before going outside.

    You are way too qualified for the marriage market, but if you want a spot let me know. Rachel had the great idea of putting up a fake one for a buddy. Just might do it...

    Happy 29th part 2 by the way!
